The Battle Within

The Battle Within


In the depths of my troubled mind,

A battle rages, fierce and unkind,

Where fears and doubts take up the fight,

And hope and faith struggle for their right.


A voice whispers, "You're not enough,"

While another cries, "You're strong and tough."

The clash of thoughts echoes in my head,

As I lay restless, tossing in my bed.


I see myself as a warrior brave,

Fighting for the light that's bound to save,

But the darkness looms, a daunting foe,

And I'm left wondering where to go.


The battle within, a never-ending war,

Leaves me wounded, tired, and sore,

But I keep fighting, every single day,

Hoping for peace to come my way.


The sun rises, and the night recedes,

The battle subsides, and the heart concedes,

That life is a war, but there's beauty too,

And with each battle, a victory to pursue.


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