Monday Morning Blues

Title: "Monday Morning Blues"


Rina, a high school student

Irma, Rina's best friend

Mrs. Davis, Rina's math teacher

Setting: Rina's bedroom on a Monday morning

Act 1:

(The sound of an alarm clock going off. Rina groans and hits the snooze button. Irma stirs next to her.)

Rina: (groggily) It's already Monday.

Irma: (groans) Why do the weekends always go by so fast?

Rina: (sits up and rubs her eyes) I don't know, but I wish they lasted forever.

Irma: (laughs) Me too. But we have to get up, we have school today.

Rina: (groans again) Do we have to? Can't we just stay in bed all day and watch movies?

Irma: (laughs) You know we can't do that. Come on, let's get ready.

(Rina sighs and gets out of bed. Irma follows suit. A few minutes later, Rina's mom knocks on the door.)

Mom: (calling from the other side of the door) Rina, Irma, are you guys up yet?

Rina: (calling back) We're up, we'll be ready in a few minutes.

(Rina and Irma finish getting dressed and go to the kitchen for breakfast.)

Act 2:

(Rina and Irma eat breakfast and head to school, feeling less than enthusiastic about the start of the school week. As the day goes on, they struggle to focus and find themselves constantly checking the clock, waiting for the day to end.)

Rina: (to Irma) How much longer until lunchtime?

Irma: (checks her watch) Still an hour.

Rina: (groans) This day is never going to end.

Irma: (laughs) It's only Monday, Rina.

Rina: (sighs) I know, but it feels like it's been a week already.

(Finally, lunchtime arrives and the group heads to the cafeteria for a break.)

Act 3:

(After lunch, Rina has math class with Mrs. Davis, who is known for being strict and having high expectations for her students.)

Mrs. Davis: (to the class) Okay, let's get started on today's lesson. I expect everyone to pay attention and participate.

Rina: (to herself) Great, just what I need after a long day.

(Despite feeling tired and overwhelmed, Rina does her best to pay attention and participate in class. As the day comes to a close, she and Irma head home feeling exhausted but relieved that the school week has officially begun.)

End Scene.


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